Automatic Bill Payment

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Use this form to enroll in OPPD’s Automatic Bill Payment service. For questions, contact Customer Service

Business Information

(last 4 digits)    

Contact Information

 (the person OPPD may contact about this request)
Daytime Phone
- -

Account Information

 (as it appears on the electric service bill)

Financial Information

 (Tell us from which account to withdraw the payment.)
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I authorize the above named financial institution to charge the checking/savings account indicated above the amount of the Omaha Public Power District electric service bill for the above OPPD account number and to make that deduction payable to the order of Omaha Public Power District. In making this authorization, I agree that each payment shall be the same as if it were an instrument personally signed by me. This authority is to remain in effect until revoked by an authorized agent of the business. In addition, I have the right to stop payment of a charge by timely notification to the financial institution prior to charging the account. I understand that both the financial institution and OPPD reserve the right to terminate this payment plan (or my participation therein).

Please make a copy of your completed form for the records. There is a waiting period before your financial institution can pay the bill automatically. On future bill statements, "DO NOT PAY" will be displayed. This will indicate that the Automatic Bill Payment plan is in effect.